03 Whitening Airy Wash 透白洗顏噴泡 260ml



打 從 洗 臉 開 始 透 明 水 亮 淨白精華泡沬輕細滑如羽毛般,徹底淨化油脂,讓空氣中的懸浮物與污染物從臉上消失。含豐富微量元素的深層水,活酸素,銀杏及深海洋粹取物,激活細胞呼吸及含氧量,讓膚表自然嫩白,更富透明感。洗後肌膚清淨水嫩,感受喚然一新! 用法:早晚以適量泡沫直接清潔面部,再以清水沖洗 ( 潔面用 ) 適合:任何肌膚、疲倦、膚色暗沉 This 2-in-1 energizing wash leaves skin a super-boost Contains organic botanicals, combines clearing & cell renewing effects. Emolymph extract absorbs oxygen from the air and delivers it to the surface of the epidermis. Using daily to refresh tired and pale cells and a clear and bright complexion appears. Smooth gently on dry face and massage, rinse with water. High-rinsibilty. Fragrance-free. External use.

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