11 Pure Spa Fresh 美肌水 170ml



神 秘 の 水! 分子少於41hz 赫茲(純水約97hz),小水分子變成高滲透的觸媒,發揮出眾的滲透力,與自己的皮脂快速融合成天然護膚肌水。含豐富礦物的久米島深層水,波動水科技令份子團極小,能瞬間供應養份,增加細胞活力及吸收力。樺樹、永久花及多種有機植物素取液,平衡及緊緻肌膚,肌膚感到清新、健康。 用法:潔膚後以適量弄濕棉花,輕抹全臉(可作化粧水或配合面膜紙敷面) 適合:中至混合性肌膚 (不含酒精) World's finest water - less than 41Hz (pure water=97Hz) This clear lotion contains refining complex to actively remove dead skin on surface. Tones, clarify and balances the skin. Leaving skin cool, fresh and transparent. Use twice daily as skin toner, or as toning pack. Formulated to mininize the risk of allergy. Non-comedogenic. Fragrance-free. External use.
