13 Vioskinegy 植物消炎 170ml



抗 菌 戰 士 久美島深層水及有機生薬有效鎮靜皮膚,減少充血現象,消除紅腫。消炎草末、樹液、德甘、鳶尾草、沒藥、蕃茄籽、黃花等;有效平衡油脂及淨化毛孔,對內強化血管壁抵抗力,對外抗菌消炎,幫助暗瘡痊癒。攜氧原子蛋白,排污因子(Oxide Reductase)紓解因長期戴口罩的肌膚負擔。 日常保養:使用前先搖勻,潔膚後以棉花抹塗。 長期口罩:搖勻,以手輕拍全面。 炎症護理:搖勻,沾濕棉花敷於患處1-3分鐘。 適合:中至油性肌膚,暗瘡性,局部使用 (避開眼週) It's "the bomb" on breakouts A natural astringent. This botanical blends helps reduce pimples while providing the healing effects of scars. Reduce excessive sebum. Leaving it a fresh and matte finish. For oily / problem skin, use it when is needed. For normal to combination skin, use as a T-zone controller. Formulated to minimize the risk of allegy. Non-comedogenic. External use.

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