14 Soothing Eye Lotion 舒緩亮眼液 170ml



仿 彿 為 雙 目 補 眠 一 夜 眼部專用舒緩液,含溫和緊縮元素、綠茶、蘆薈、小米草,久美島深層水、定點維他命A, C, E,微量元素、玻尿酸及水溶性海藻骨膠原 .. 收緊眼週脆弱肌膚,消除疲勞,舒緩眼睛充紅,改善因過度疲倦或鼻敏感引致的眼圈黑沉現象。 用法:以護眼水沾濕棉花,敷於閉目上1-3分鐘( 建議冷藏 ) 適合:睡眠不足,眼腫,長期電腦工作,眼神疲憊 Make up for lost night Outstanding for preventing dark circles under eyes. Superior calming and relaxing properties. Soothes cools and relieves tired, puffy eyes. Leaving it a fresh and comfort feelings. Saturate cotton pad, place over eye area for 30 seconds. Follow with appropriate products. Formulated to minimize the risk of allergy. For external use only.

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