21 Pore Solution 清肌原液 30ml



水 油 平 衡 的 智 慧 智慧型Marine Complex深海調節配方,有效泵水至皮層深處,續漸改善外油內乾的「兩極肌」,皮脂被肌水抑制,呈現水嫩均衡。特效清肌成份Biodermine整日澄淨皮脂,預防皮脂氧化,形成粉刺。植物籽活化科技-促進基底膜的骨膠原自然合成,令肌膚細胞飽滿有彈性,毛孔回復緊緻、清淨。 用法:壓2次份量輕抹於面上 適合:外油內乾、毛孔粗大、長期在冷氣房 A balancing serum makes larger pores looks shrunk This effective formula purifies the skin and clogged pores, visibly reduces the appearance of pores and refines skin texture. An extremely fresh and light fluid, cotains no fat but hydrating agent "Marine Complex" non-comedogenous, BIODERMINER regulates excess sebum, Aqueous Extracts of Orris Root, Iris, Passion Flower, Green Tea, Witch Hazel, Together with Pre-retinol, SOD and Oligoelements for intensive pore treats. For oily to combination skins, apply this essence twice daily after skin tonic,spread 3-5 drops over the face with fingertips. This fluid will clarify epidermis without drying thanks to healing agents contained in this exclusive formula. Fragrance-free. Colorant-free. Alcohol-free. Non-comedogenic.

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