22 Whitening Solution 美白原液 30ml



集 中 美 白 - 為 斑 點 帶 來 戲 劇 化 轉 變 保濕型美白液,與「電氣美白」相輔相承,預防斑點再現,保持膚色持久均勻。分子極小的Bio-white Precursor美白配方極易滲透,有效中斷麥拉寧作用的中間體(Dopaquinone)*。配合竹莖抽出液、白芷、虎耳草、甘草、火棘、褐藻,自然淡化膚色;亞麻油酸及胎盤精華保護天然皮脂膜,重建細胞的水合力,減褪疤跡色素,令膚色漸趨素白、無暇。(不含Hydroquinoe及熊果素) 用法:壓2次份量輕抹於面上 適合:曬斑、暇疵、膚色較深、多戶外工作( 不含防曬 ) Spots eraser A highly effective whitening treatment helps to erase dark spots, freckles and discolorations. Anti-oxidant, lightens and hydrates the skin. Non-oily, ultralight and fast penetrating, it leaves skin pleasingly soft and ideally moisturized. Thanks to Dr.Sha's own BIO-WHITE PRECURSOR® treated with tourmaline, Bio Kojic Acid, Sohakuhi, Saxifrage, Marine Algae, Licorice, Sunflower Seed, Green Tea, Placental Extract, V-C and its derivative... these valuable ingredients firmly suppress the production of melanin and produces a noticeable effect. Apply twice daily after tonic; spread 3-5 drops over the face with fingertips, paying particular attention to dark spots. Fragrance-free. Colorant-free. Non-comedogenic.
