23 Time Solution 目唇抗皺原液 30ml



細 紋 來 了,卻 又 忽 然 平 復 INT Precursor 雙層植物精華微囊中的有效成份: cerelines II, snail mucun, squalene, rosehip seed oil 及Pro-Integrine 有效重建彈力組織,拉近紋位的隙間,迅速撫平眼、唇細紋;淡化面頸乾紋。配合Marine ADN、Beech、Silanol Lactate及Q10成份,有助回復細胞健康,強化自我修補力,延緩細紋再現。由於分子極小,非常容易穿透吸收,用於上粧前,使肌膚濕潤緊緻,粧容更持久貼面。 用法:壓出適量輕抹細紋部位 適合:魚尾紋、嘴角、唇紋、面頸乾紋 ‘Crease Police’ for lip + eye This nourishing W/O/W type daily serum that penetrates into skin rapidly, tightens skin and smoothes wrinkles or lines. Thanks to Dr.Sha's own bilayer delivery system INT PRECURSOR®, together with Cuccio, Cerelines ll, Snail Mucin, Squalene, Rosehip Seed Oil and Pro-integrine reinforces the skin's restructuring power, 'plump up' visible signs from within. Other ingredients; marine ADN (cellular repairing), Beech(tonifying), Silanol Lactate(hydraring), Coenzyme Q10 (wrinkle delaying) and Soybean Protein to keep skin elastic, soft and smooth. The results are evident; wrinkle and fine lines are visibly diminished, skin is firmer, glowing and younger-looking. Spread 1-3 drops over eye, lips, neck or entire face. Frgrance-free. Colorant-free. Non-comedogenic.
