45 Vitadation 微電幻光粉液 (no.210)



讓 妳 一 邊 上 粧 ,一 邊 美 白 的 幻 光 粉 底 新配方注入 DR.SHA專利波動水為基礎,微電的吸啜力令妝容加倍貼滑、細緻。擁有完美底妝之同時;老化角質更於不知不覺間被微電粉液吸著,洗臉後肌膚更呈新嫩、透明,讓您天天上妝亦無粉刺之憂。粉液一抹開,微粒子菱鏡均勻折射毛孔及細紋,富立體感的「無瑕」幻像瞬即浮現,高透氣水性令粧容全日清爽透徹,薄滑感覺前所未有。 用法:壓1-2次份量,以濕海棉或手指均勻於面上(用後抹可配合No.44/46) 適合: 任何肌膚( UV15, PA+++ ) A future foundation ~ by mineral+flower essence An Ionic Essence Foundation - combines vitamin's treatment with an exceptional ability to smoothes away skin imperfections. Provides an extremely natural, long lasting and skin- smooth makeup results. Thank to Micro-fine Natural Minerals ( non-chemical pigments ) treated with Silk Amino-acids and NMF, giving a light- reflecting, matifying and pore-minimizing effects. Vitamins A, C, B1 ,E and F, plus magnesium to boost tone and vitality. Anti-pollution system (APS) against free radicals, smoke, Auto exhauste and harmful UV rays. Shake well, simply smooth over face with sponge or fingertips. Water-based. Talc-free. Fragrance-free. Non-comdogenic. (SPF 15, Pa+++)
