51m Refiness Massage 清肌按摩 100g



解 除 角 質 的 按 摩 清 道 夫 (Skin Preserver) 嶄新的Kinetic Release Technology(動力釋出技術)加倍細胞運動量,於短時間,促進臉部循環代謝,達到深層淨化Facial的效果。野菜清肌酵素讓老化皮脂隨著按摩自然融化出來,迅速淨化角質積聚,用後肌膚變得平滑新嫩、乾淨、富清潔感。 用法:潔面後抹乾,以乾手取3-5gm份量按摩全臉約1-3分鐘,以清水洗淨。 適合:角質積聚、暗沉、粗糙、代謝緩慢 Terminator of clogged pore This luxunios, light fluid contents natural virgin oils in its highest grades. eg: Olive and Ricebran. Provides speedy make up removal; leaving skin clean and smooth, Encapsulated vitamins to boost vitality and re-texturizing while cleansing. W/O soluble. Massage with dry fingertips over entire face, add with warm water until milky, rinse with cold water. Formulated to minimize the risk of allergy. Fragrance-free. Non-comedogenic. External use.
