53 Toning Oil Concentrate 精華緊膚油 170ml



瞬 間 進 補 蘊含:Cuccio, Ceramide 3等深潤配方,滿載有機植物養份,深入修復乾凋表皮,淡化紊亂肌紋;呵護因溫差、寒風脫皮的束手無策;於極短時間內,讓乾枯表皮回復柔軟光滑!先進植物籽科技締造觴感極輕、份子團小的精華,輕輕抹上便能迅速滲透,促進肌底膜細胞飽滿及富彈性;真正兼顧膚表膚內的健康,由內而外的散發明亮嫩滑的剔透感。 用法:清膚後以適當份量,按摩所需部位,以清水洗去 (於桑拿時,敷於全身及秀髮上5分鐘,以清水及洗髮乳洗去) 適合:缺乏運動、鬆弛乾燥、膚紋紊亂、營養失調、指甲或秀髮暗啞。 'Labsolutely Supplement’ for head-to-toe A rich and pleasant massage fluid that promotes resilience and firmness while helping prevent sagging and other signs of aging. This fluid doesn't just work on the face, but enhances overall skin quality, nails and hair-ends. Contains a blend of pure virgin oils, essential oils and botanical extracts. Massage over face, body or hair. remove excess with water. External use.
