73m Herbaltone 風呂瘦身 (3個月份量: 500ml x 2)



專利ACF燃脂輸送體經由皮層、血管、淋巴系統進入脂肪層,令肌膚產生興奮作用,促進血液循環及新陳代謝,催化脂肪快迅代謝;刺激結締組織對抗衰老,加強皮膚彈性。結合20多種和漢生藥,袪毒、排水、緊實、保濕一次完成,徹底解決橙皮脂肪浮肉及妊娠紋現象。質地清爽的凝霜狀草液,不需冷凍或發汗;輕輕抹上便能迅速吸收;令上臂、臀、腿等浮肉即呈結實緊緻,滑不留手。 適合:脂肪浮肉、妊娠紋、體雕提臀、皮膚粗燥、缺乏運動 用法: 將啡色修身草藥放置於熱水中,浸溫、備用(水溫不超高過50C),再以綠色淨膚浴液作日常淋浴,清洗全身,以清水過淨(可配合海棉或柔軟刷子輕刷全身),抹乾身体後,將適量溫熱草藥抹於身上(需瘦身部位多抹,緊膚部位薄抹即可,穿上衣服及保持正常體溫。翌日早上(使用後24小時內),雖多喝清水,以完整體內袪毒程序。 Combining over 20 types of traditional Chinese herbal medicines, this product detoxifies, drains, firms, and moisturizes all at once, effectively addressing issues like cellulite and stretch marks. The patented ACF fat-burning delivery system penetrates the skin, blood vessels, and lymphatic system to reach the fat layer, stimulating the skin, promoting blood circulation and metabolism, and accelerating fat breakdown. It also stimulates connective tissue to combat aging and enhances skin elasticity. The refreshing gel-like herbal liquid absorbs quickly without the need for freezing or sweating, making arms, hips, and legs appear firmer and tighter to the touch. Suitable for: cellulite, stretch marks, body sculpting, rough skin, and lack of exercise. Usage: Place the brown herbal blend in hot water to warm it up (water temperature should not exceed 50°C), then use the green cleansing bath gel for a regular shower, washing the entire body, and rinse with clean water (you can use a sponge or soft brush to gently scrub). After drying off, apply an appropriate amount of the warm herbal mixture to the body (apply more to areas needing slimming and less to areas needing firming). Dress normally and maintain regular body temperature. The next morning (within 24 hours of use), drink plenty of water to complete the detoxification process.
